Monday, July 20, 2009

Three Day Meltdown

I've been in meltdown for almost three days now, so I'm making efforts to rid myself of this anxiety that is ramping up and clouding my thinking and my work. Went for long early morning walks both yesterday and today, saw a 5:00 p.m. movie last evening and made an appointment with the friend who is keeping up with Second Seating expenses and income.
Still in fund raising mode and I am making a list of everything for which I could possibly be spending money on to install Second Seating. We will tally the two columns and see exactly where this exhibition is headed.
I do have a pretty good feel for it, but I never trust numbers and tend to return to them again and again to remind myself that things are OK. There is enough. Or there will be enough. Work hard and trust in the universe. That combination has worked very well so far.
As part of my self-therapy today, I went to my website MM Hansen Communicates and watched the video of 'la folie innocente du coeur,' that 2005 Marfa installation. Of course, it's filled with portraits of my daughters and mother and the music is evocative and nostalgic. Both conducive to a good cry. Everything is going to be alright. It helps to see something I've already done.

Text and images for the Second Seating postcard invitation are due midweek so design work can begin, followed by proofing, adding in underwriters that haven't surfaced yet, printing and finally that trip to the bulk mail house. The text for the postcard is long and cumbersome because I want to list not only the underwriters, but the companies that have been generous with in-kind. Will all these names fit on a postcard? In addition, I am working on yet another funding application and am gathering support for doing so.
Tomorrow Gonzo247 picks up the table and chairs I bought late last year and we will pick up the chandelier structure that won't fit in the back of my car. He'll cover all with aerosol art and I've given him paint chips so his table will 'feel' like the show, in addition to being a knockout.
Will also pick up a parrot pinata tomorrow from Victor Rodriguez. A month ago, it came to me that we needed a parrot pinata chandelier for Second Seating because of the growing feral parrot population that flies and roosts in our neighborhoods.
It's almost 3:00 p.m. I need to call Irma and see what she's done about measuring those huge banquettes she's storing in the space. We are putting them on Craig's List. Hope they sell and, more importantly, are removed.
Looking onward to Wednesday. I'll meet with someone I know from a big cleaning company and he'll take a look at the space and tell me how much it will cost to power wash the concrete floor. Maybe he'll become an underwriter? Trust in the universe. Then I'll meet with Marci, a friend who will help me make better use of FaceBook for Second Seating. After that, I'm getting a haircut and then will be see Melissa, the friend who will look at numbers and spread sheets with some degree of calm.
My friend Sally asks me periodically when I'll be making 'the art.' I tell her now to ask me that question.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Wise words: Trust in the universe. You have a good plan and support. Trust that all will work out.