Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Work Is Rolling In

Did I ever doubt that the eight artists participating in Second Seating would produce wonderful work? No, never. Did I ever wonder when I'd see work finished and ready for installation? Sometimes. But this weekend, I've been overwhelmed seeing their stuff and suddenly I am wondering how all of it will fit into the space. Will we have to edit, pare down so what finally makes the cut really works with everything else and creates the atmosphere that is Second Seating? An interesting question and a lovely dilemma.
Here's what I've been looking at in the last few days in addition to my own foray today into affixing photo decals to my stack of plates that need embellishment. I've put this decal stuff off for months because I had a bad start, but today I am into it and it seems to be working.
And here are some of the good things I've been seeing from other Second Seating artists.
Just look at Jesse Sifuentes' new batiks. This one is 8 1/2 ft x 9 ft. I think it will go along the back wall of the space with good lighting on it. He's got a lot more pressing to do to get the wax off. I don't envy him the hours in the steamy outdoors attending to this. The pattern is the same one he'll use on a METRO transit stop along Harrisburg. Jesse is one of the artists selected for the public art component of METRO's mass transit corridors.
Jesse has more batiks to press wax from - all with coffee production motifs. Look at this next one sideways because it's a vertical piece on a horizontal clothes line at the moment. He's even got a Model T Ford in the right foreground because the coffee plant on Harrisburg was a Ford car plant long ago. It's been a coffee plant for over 50 years. Used to belong to Kraft Foods Maxwell House but Maximus Coffee Group, LP bought the place several years ago and is still roasting coffee beans and produces most of the decaf imbibed by the entire country.
Here's Victor Rodriguez' biggest parrot pinata with almost 15 ft of wing span. Gorgeous bird and it will lead a flock into the space from the back entrance.
And Jose sent some photos - so happy to see them. He's used a bunch of those blue Riesling wine bottles Irma and I took him last January. Love those bottles and I think I'm going to love this piece and I see a light bulb in the middle of it.
Here's a wall piece. A sort of wonderfully strange totem. I love it.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

You had faith that it would all come together. I have been bragging about your project to my husband and yesterday showed him photos of the space and artwork. Now there's more for him to see.